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NowSignage Facebook Update!

Facebook Update!

NowSignage Facebook update with capabilities are growing! Exciting News from NowSignage: Enhanced Facebook Capabilities Unleashed! Prepare to elevate your event engagement to a whole new level with NowSignage‘s latest facebook update. We are thrilled to announce some exciting additions to our Facebook facility within the ‘Twitter Walls’ feature. Now, connecting to your Facebook pages and […]

Social Signage? What’s that?!

digital signage system

Social signage, digital signage, what’s that and what’s the difference? Digital signage and social signage are ubiquitous terms so some people ask what’s that .In almost every public location you can find some form of sign that can be classed as ‘digital’ in nature. Whether they are in airports, concerts, museums or sports stadia digital […]

Let your audience live in the moment

digital signage system

Marketing at events has always been huge, but letting your audience live now we’re not only seeing the need for event organisers but digital organisers specifically. The need for either a digital manager or at particularly large events, a digital team is becoming ever more apparent to the people who understand how this tech is […]

When rain stops play it doesn’t stop engagement!


There are a few stand out sporting events in the UK calendar which usually play out through our wonderful summertime which means basically that at some point rain will stop play but not Social Cricket and Tennis are usually the victims here, and the poor fans are always the ones who suffer. From the perspective […]

How social is serving #Wimbledon

wimbledon digital signage system

From the fans’ point of view, social media has once again provided the place to vent opinion and support about the top action from Wimbledon. The official Wimbledon website ( is even showcasing the ‘IBM Slamtracker’ where fans can follow live action online as it happens. This is hardly an ordinary score feature though! The […]

Tweet back your fans!

event digital signage system

Social media is becoming more and more of a bigger part in the festival and concert scene so to tweet your fans is important. As fans and supporters of acts get increasingly active on digital, this trend has naturally spilled into the live music arena. Fans are always looking for new ways to connect with […]