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Combine social media feeds

Combine social media feeds

Combine all of your social media feeds onto an NowSignage Twitter Wall and witness crowd engagement soar!

Tu your screen broadcast into a two way conversation and create a captive audience with a social media feed.

are a great way to get Social content onto the screens; but also a fantastic way to build interaction & engagement amongst your audience; gain customer insight; open up a lucrative revenue stream through the broadcasting of video promotions and advertising… and make brands look great!< /p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;</p>

<p>&lInstantly broadcast images and comments live onto your event screens. You have complete control to publish a single feed onto multiple screens or multiple feeds onto one screen whilst at your event.

Broadcasting people’s comments and pictures onto the big screen increases involvement straight away. The buzz that we’ve created at events has transformed social engagement for our clients.

Benefits of Combining Feeds

Combining social media feeds through a display solution like NowSignage offers several benefits for businesses. Here are some of the key advantages:

Increased Audience Engagement

By displaying your social media feeds on a digital display, you are providing your audience with a visually appealing and interactive way to engage with your brand. This can help to increase their interest and encourage them to interact with your social media accounts.

Real-Time Updates

With NowSignage, you can easily update your social media feeds in real-time. This means that any new posts or updates will be automatically displayed on your digital display, keeping your audience up-to-date with your latest content.

Brand Awareness

Displaying your social media feeds on a digital display can also help to increase brand awareness. By showcasing your brand’s social media presence, you are reminding your audience of your brand and encouraging them to follow and engage with your accounts.


Combining social also allows for cross-promotion between different platforms. For example, you can display your Instagram feed on your Twitter account, or your Facebook feed on your website. This helps to increase your reach and attract new followers across different platforms.

How NowSignage Can Help

NowSignage offers a range of features that make it the perfect solution for combining social media feeds. Here are some of the key features that can help your business:

Social Media Integration

NowSignage allows you to easily integrate your social media feeds into your digital displays. This means that you can display your Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media feeds all in one place.



With NowSignage, you can customize the design and layout of your to match your brand’s aesthetic. This ensures a cohesive and professional look for your displays.

Real-Time Updates

As mentioned earlier, NowSignage allows for real-time updates. This means that any new posts or updates will be automatically displayed on your digital display, keeping your audience engaged and informed.</p> &amp;amp;amp;lt;h3>&amp;lt;p>In conclusion, combining social media feeds through a display solution like NowSignage offers several benefits for businesses. It helps to increase audience engagement, provides real-time updates, increases brand awareness, and allows for cross-promotion. With NowSignage’s social media integration, customization options, and real-time updates, businesses can easily create dynamic and engaging displays that showcase their social media presence.


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