Permanent Signage at Saïd Business School

“Permanent Signage Being able to update content through a Web-based dashboard means that we are able to update content much more regularly and can react to information needs as they arise. Being used across the School, it also opens up many possibilities for the reuse and sharing of content and social media."
John Pilbeam, the digital officer at Saïd, said:
All Screen Casts can managed from the same project. The asset library for Saïd has a variety of content for each live cast around campus. As there is often cross-over in the messages being portraid to students and staff alike; it's important to localise this information to make it easliy accessable to the person managing them.
Saïd, the business school of The University of Oxford, has adopted the EventBeat platform to deliver the perminant signage around the campus.
The screens are a mix of advertising, inteal communications for students and social media content to improve the transparency through the business school.
By mixing social media with targetted advertising, it makes for a much more engaged audience, which in hand makes for more affective advertising.
There are an array of screens setup around the campus to handle the different signage requirements and different messages they'd like to get across to the students.