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Digital Signage on YouTube


NowSignage allows all users to publish any content from YouTube on to any of your digital signage screens within seconds.

YouTube is the world’s largest video upload and hosting platform. It has over TWO BILLION users worldwide. Believe it or not, almost 80% of every internet users alive today hava a YouTube account!

So, why not get the most from such an incredible resource with our direct, single sign-on integration with YouTube?

Products we’re tested on:

Typical Use:

Display YouTube content as part of a single or multi-screen layout. You can either store video content within your unlimited content library or you could provide a live stream to a specific YouTube channel.

NowSignage is the world’s only signage CMS to be genuinely agnostic via a single code base. As such, all premium features work seamlessly ‘out of the box’ with YouTube’s hardware.

Tom Ross, Commercial Director

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