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The Pensions Regulator invest in NowSignage CMS

The Pensions Regulator invest in NowSignage CMS

Located across six floors in Brighton, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is the UK regulator of workplace pension schemes, Pensions Regulator uses NowSignage CMS and chose to invest . The offices are a hive of activity as the regulator has grown by 25% over the past two years.

With such activity an effective communication tool was required to notify staff and visitors alike of changing pensions news, updates from TPR’s campaign and media teams and general information about TPR office facilities. It was identified by Briony Gough from TPR that the NowSignage digital signage CMS would meet their needs and as such a business case was put forward to equip the Brighton HQ with screens to implement an office digital signage solution.

Using the NowSignage platform TPR worked with NowSignage to create dynamic social media and live RSS news feeds to display automated content directly to the large video wall located within the reception and all other screens throughout the six floors.

Briony Gough from TRP stated:

“Implementing digital signage with NowSignage has helped bring The Pensions Regulator offices into the 21st century. Pensions Regulator uses NowSignage CMS because it is so easy to use and working with them is a delight. One feature that has become particularly useful is the ability to login to the platform, upload images with captions and then broadcast these posts into our live Twitter Wall and news displays”

To find out more about why Pensions Regulator uses NowSignage CMSmplementing digital signage around your office please contact us on, we look forward to hearing from you.

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