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NowSignage for Digital Menu Boards

Digital menu boards are revolutionizing the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry by enhancing customer engagement, streamlining operations, and increasing sales. Their dynamic content capabilities, real-time updates, and seamless integration with POS systems make them an essential tool for modernizing and optimizing the dining experience.

Reduce marketing costs by up to 70%

QSR Magazine found that implementing digital menu boards significantly reduced marketing costs and brought sales up in the stores using them.

Replacing printed menu boards with digital menu boards reduces the need for frequent printing and installing, as well as allowing for dynamic content changes.

Digital Menu Boards
Digital Menu Boards

40% of customers will make an impulse stop at a QSR

Digital menu boards are a powerful tool for capitalizing on impulse stops which Samsung found equated to 40% of customers. With eye-catching visuals and dynamic content, these boards can effectively highlight promotions and new items, enticing passersby to stop in and make a purchase. 


Digital Menu Boards

“NowSignage continues to advance their software to provide us with functionality that delivers great results. In the past 6-months they have released screen sync for our digital menu boards, weather-based content triggers for our window displays, and proof-of-play to analyse our content playback.”


Top 5 Ways for QSRs to Improve Their Digital Menu Boards

In the fast-paced world of Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs), efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount. One of the most effective tools to enhance both is the strategic use of digital menu boards. Here are the top five ways QSRs can improve their digital menu boards to boost engagement, streamline operations, and increase sales.

1. Integrate with POS Systems

Integrating digital menu boards with point-of-sale (POS) systems can streamline operations and provide a seamless customer experience. When menu boards are synced with POS systems, changes made in the POS are automatically reflected on the menu boards. This integration ensures consistency between what is displayed to customers and what the cashier sees, reducing order errors and improving operational efficiency. It also allows for better data collection and analytics, helping QSRs understand customer preferences and optimize their menu offerings accordingly.

2. Trigger Weather-Based Content

One innovative way to leverage digital menu boards is by using weather-triggered content. Digital menu boards can be programmed to change based on local weather conditions, promoting items that are more appealing at certain temperatures. For example, on a hot day, the menu might highlight cold beverages and ice cream, while on a chilly day, it might showcase hot soups and coffee. This real-time responsiveness can significantly enhance customer satisfaction by offering timely and relevant suggestions.

3. Use System on Chip (SoC) Displays

System on Chip (SoC) displays simplify the digital signage setup by integrating the media player directly into the display. This eliminates the need for external players and reduces the overall hardware footprint. SoC displays are more reliable and easier to maintain, offering a streamlined solution that is both cost-effective and efficient. For QSRs, this means less downtime and more focus on delivering a great customer experience.

4. Screen Synchronization for Splash Promotions

Screen synchronization is a powerful feature that allows multiple digital screens to display coordinated content simultaneously. This is particularly effective for splash promotions where you want to make a big impact. For example, a QSR can use synchronized screens to launch a new product, flash a limited-time offer, or highlight a special event. The coordinated visuals can create a more immersive and compelling experience, driving higher customer engagement and boosting sales.

5. Dayparting

Dayparting involves scheduling different menu items to be displayed at different times of the day, ensuring that the offerings are always relevant to the time of day. Breakfast items can be prominently featured in the morning, while lunch and dinner options can take over later in the day. This not only keeps the menu fresh and dynamic but also helps manage inventory more effectively and meets customer expectations better. Dayparting can also be used to test new items during specific periods, allowing QSRs to gather valuable feedback before a full-scale launch.


Incorporating digital menu boards is a game-changer for QSRs aiming to improve their customer experience and operational efficiency. By integrating with POS systems, utilizing weather-triggered content, adopting System on Chip displays, synchronizing screens for promotions, and implementing dayparting, QSRs can stay ahead in a competitive market. Embracing these technological advancements not only attracts more customers but also fosters loyalty and drives sales growth.

Investing in state-of-the-art digital menu boards is not just a trend—it’s a strategic move towards a more modern, efficient, and customer-centric QSR environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

A digital menu board is an electronic display system used primarily in restaurants, cafes, and other food service establishments to present menu items, prices, and promotional content. These boards use digital screens, such as LCD or LED displays, to show dynamic content that can be easily updated and customized.

Digital menu boards offer several advantages over traditional static menus, including the ability to quickly change menu items and prices, highlight special offers or limited-time promotions, and incorporate high-quality images and videos to enhance the visual appeal. They can also be integrated with point-of-sale systems to reflect real-time changes in inventory and pricing.

Overall, digital menu boards provide a flexible, engaging, and efficient way for businesses to communicate their offerings to customers and can enhance the overall dining experience.

Using digital menu boards in restaurants offers several key advantages that can improve both customer experience and operational efficiency:

1. Enhanced Visual Appeal: Digital menu boards can display high-quality images and videos, making menu items look more appetizing and engaging. This visual appeal can attract customers’ attention and influence their purchasing decisions.

2. Easily Updatable: Digital menu boards allow for quick and easy updates to menu items, prices, and promotions. This flexibility is especially useful for reflecting seasonal items, daily specials, or changes in availability without the need for reprinting menus.

3. Dynamic Content: Restaurants can use digital menu boards to display rotating content, such as promotional offers, nutritional information, or social media feeds. This keeps the content fresh and engaging for repeat customers.

4. Improved Customer Experience: Digital menu boards streamline the ordering process by clearly displaying menu options and prices. This reduces wait times and helps customers make informed decisions more quickly.

5. Cost-Effective: Although there is an initial investment in digital display technology, digital menu boards can be more cost-effective over time compared to printing new menus or signage for each update or promotion.

6. Increased Sales: By strategically highlighting high-margin items or promotions, digital menu boards can help boost sales. Eye-catching visuals and well-placed promotions can encourage customers to try new items or add extras to their orders.

7. Real-Time Adjustments: Restaurants can adjust the menu in real-time to reflect inventory levels, ensuring that customers are always aware of what is currently available. This helps manage expectations and reduce disappointment.

8. Brand Consistency: Digital menu boards help maintain a consistent brand image across multiple locations by ensuring that all visual and textual content adheres to the restaurant’s branding guidelines.

Overall, digital menu boards provide a modern, efficient, and versatile solution for displaying menu information in restaurants, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Digital menu boards can indeed be effective tools in increasing sales for restaurants. By leveraging high-quality images and videos, these boards can showcase menu items in a visually appealing manner, enticing customers to explore new offerings or indulge in favorites. The dynamic nature of digital displays enables restaurants to showcase promotions, daily specials, or limited-time offers prominently, effectively driving impulse purchases and upselling. Strategic placement of these promotions can draw attention to high-margin items, ultimately boosting sales.

Moreover, digital menu boards enhance the overall customer experience by providing clear and organized menus that facilitate quicker decision-making. Customers can easily navigate through menu options, leading to faster order placements and potentially increasing the number of transactions during peak hours. Real-time updates ensure that menu items accurately reflect inventory levels, avoiding customer disappointment due to unavailable items. Altogether, digital menu boards not only improve operational efficiency but also contribute to creating a more engaging and profitable dining environment for restaurants.

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