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Aggregate Twitter feeds

cloud based digital signage system

All of your social media feeds can be aggregated onto an NowSignage Twitter Wall to significantly increase the interaction of your crowd! Nowsignage Screen Cast introduce’s a conversation, therefore creating an interested audience. Social media feeds quickly get content onto your screens, as well as building interaction and engagement within your audience. Interesting customer feedback is always useful […]

Digital signage network in the workplace

event signage software

The digital signage network at NowSignage can introduce and increase the levels of social interaction in the workplace. Social content flowing throughout the day has become more popular in recent times as technology has developed bringing with it an innovative format of social media. NowSignage announcements are a great tool when wanting to deliver important messages or to […]

Social Media display advertising

event signage software

How do you generate that extra bit of revenue whilst your event is in full swing? NowSignage provides you with the opportunity to drive lucrative advertising income through pre-scheduled advertisements during the broadcast, at controllable intervals dependent on your own professional requirements. Having engaged people taking interest in the pictures and comments up on the […]

Combine social media feeds

signage software

Combine all of your social media feeds onto an NowSignage Twitter Wall and witness crowd engagement soar! Tu your screen broadcast into a two way conversation and create a captive audience with a social media feed. are a great way to get Social content onto the screens; but also a fantastic way to build interaction & engagement […]